This workbook significantly expands on those concepts that formed the basis for Tom Ralser’s 2013 book Asking Rights: Why Some Nonprofits Get Funded (and some don’t). It outlines each step that builds a nonprofit’s capacity to establish long-term, sustainable funding. As a companion to the book, it contains 25 worksheets frequently used in Ralser’s highly sought-after workshops. They are presented in a clear, straightforward manner to offer groups of any size—in any nonprofit arena—the tools that will help them successfully earn the right to ask for large dollars.

Ideal opportunities to use Developing Your Asking Rights 

• When preparing for a capital campaign: Learn how to incorporate outcome value, leverage, and ownership concepts for a more successful effort

• For ongoing fundraising efforts: Infuse annual campaigns and events with Asking Rights messaging to create sustainable impact

• When reinventing a fundraising department: Discover a better way to focus on investor motivations and demonstrate value as a means to guide staff efforts 

• For strategic planning: Dovetail planning with funding objectives to enhance the success of both

• When seeking to make the organization’s mission financially sustainable: Deliver outcomes that investors value, ensuring the long-term fiscal viability of the organization’s good work

Why do some nonprofits seem to effortlessly raise money, while others struggle? It’s because they have earned the right to ask for money. They have learned that to succeed in today’s funding environment, they must keep the investor’s perspective in mind, utilize the advantages of rational asks and focus on the outcomes delivered. This book distills the experience of hundreds of funding campaigns into easily digestible bites, including the ingredients for Asking Rights™ (Credibility, Fundraising Skills, and Outcomes), and the recipe for combining them into a successful funding effort.

Copyright © Capital Strategists LLC. All rights reserved.

Developing Your Asking Rights

Asking Rights
Why Some Nonprofits Get Funded (and some don’t)

ROI For Nonprofits
The New Key to Sustainability

A tongue-in-cheek look at the mystical world of fundraising, based on real-world experience and developed with the help (and complaints) of nonprofits across the country. This book is a humorous look at an industry, a philosophy, and mostly, the people who work in it. Make no mistake, their intentions are usually honorable. It's their approach that is dated...and so easy to poke fun at. 

If you are interested in purchasing this book, please go to the Contact Us tab and let us know.

A look at how nonprofits can raise money amidst demands for accountability, transparency, and results. Nonprofits face the same challenges as for-profits when it comes to raising money and keeping investors happy. When investors in nonprofits are shown that their money is making a difference, that their investment is paying off, they are more likely to keep investing. Written by Tom Ralser, a CFA uniquely qualified to apply ROI methodologies to the nonprofit sector, ROI For Nonprofits: The Key to Nonprofit Sustainability details the methods and processes your nonprofit can effectively use to demonstrate the value of your organization’s efforts.

​The Traditional Fundraiser's Coloring Book